First, we talk.
What is the issue with your animal? Whether it's behavioral or health-related, the first step is to do a communication. That way we get the point of view of the animal. I can discover if the behavior now is due to old stuff—like old traumas, abuse, or neglect. Or new stuff—like new animal introduction, a big move, a big change in your or the animal's life, a loss of a loved one. If the problem is physical, I can do a medical intuition to try to discover the problem areas in the body, as well as find out how your animal feels and what their attitude is about their illness. I am not a veterinarian so I cannot diagnose any illness and I cannot tell you what medical decisions to make. Your animal usually can't make them, either. I can give you helpful information to make those decisions.
I can also communicate with an animal that has passed on. If you have unresolved issues with him/her, that connection can certainly help with that.
This communication does not have to be in person, and it's often better if it's not, since your animal won't be distracted by my presence, and I won’t be distracted by being in a different environment. All I need is a good photo of your animal.
Usually we will be talking on the phone and I will put you on hold while I connect with your animal or animals. (I can do up to two in a half hour, up to three in an hour.) In my opinion, a half hour is the sweet spot for one animal (at least for the first connection), and an hour for two. But I can work with any amount of time you choose.
During my connection with your animal, my policy is that this is their time. I ask the questions and address the issues you want addressed, but my job is to stay out of the way and listen to them and allow them to show me what they want to show me. I do not try coerce them into changing their behavior. I am a stranger to them, after all. No one likes a stranger telling them what to do. I get their side of things, and then when you and I have that information, together we can come up with solutions to change the behavior or improve the condition.
Please, no recording of the session. You may take as many notes as you like and I’m also happy to give you clarification afterward.
Then, we heal.
After just one communication, a behavioral problem will often improve. Why? Because your animal finally got whatever was bothering her off her chest! (Or him, as the case may be.) But for more persistent issues, I offer EFT TAPPING, which is effective with almost every behavioral problem in the book. (“EFT” stands for “Emotional Freedom Technique.”) Fear caused by trauma, abuse or neglect; peeing in the house; fighting with other animals; excessive barking; 'stranger danger;' anxiety about riding in the car; fear of storms; grief over losing a loved one—I will stop listing things because I could fill the whole page with behavioral problems and I know that EFT tapping can help with all of them. Ideally, depending on the issue, you'll want to count on doing three sessions of tapping to see the best results. (That can vary, depending on the issue.) And as an additional service to you, in the first session I teach you a simple version of EFT tapping that you can use at home with you and your animal. I offer a package deal on multiple tapping sessions—you can book a package of three sessions at a discount directly from my appointments page.
I also offer SCALAR WAVE ENERGY HEALING, which is a healing modality that can be very effective for physical and health problems, as well as severe anxiety. A three-session minimum is also recommended with Scalar Wave, and is also available on my appointments page.
EFT tapping can be done using video chat (preferable) or phone. Scalar Wave can be done by phone. In-person is good for these two modalities as well. Because these modalities work primarily on an energetic level, I DO NOT HAVE TO PHYSICALLY TOUCH THE ANIMAL. They still work and are very effective!
Additionally, I will impart to you every trick in the book that I can think of based on my own long experience with my animals. I can also refer you to other experts that might be able to help you. For most issues with your animals, you can think of it as a three-pronged approach: the first is maintenance, the steps you take at home that are under your control (and that I can help you with). The second is training. And the third is the healing, what I do here.
My ultimate goal is to be your go-to person for your animal and human family; to help you understand and deepen the bond you have with your animal; and to improve the quality of your lives together.
This can be panic-inducing and wrenching. I’m sorry you’re going through this. I’ve been there. I will do my best, as fast as possible, to assist you in finding your animal. Unfortunately, I can offer no guarantee that we will find him or her. Please understand this before engaging my services. I work very hard on these cases but there is absolutely no guarantee of success. If your animal comes home before the map search work I do (depending on when you book this can be any time from 12-24 hours or so), or if I feel that your animal has already passed, then I can offer a partial refund ONLY. Otherwise, there are no refunds.
I have three different offerings, which you can read the specific descriptions of on my appointments page HERE (under the “lost animal services” category), but for the best chance of success, I strongly recommend my comprehensive lost animal package. My lost animal package involves multiple sessions, a map search, and energy work. Based on experience, this package provides the best chance to reunite with your animal. It books me for approximately three and a half hours of my time. It includes one 60 minute animal communication and strategy session, one map search (how long it takes me varies) to give you ideas where to look, and 1 EFT tapping session for you and the animal. Regarding the map search, it is very rare that I can lead you directly to the animal’s exact location, so please don’t expect that.
Whatever time is left is devoted to follow-up communications with the animal and/or Scalar Wave Energy Healing (a huge boost for frightened/fatigued animals). All of this work is done remotely—I don’t need to be anywhere near you or wherever the animal is. The EFT tapping I have found, time after time, to be extremely effective in helping the animal get home.
Please be prepared to do footwork on your end. This includes walking your neighborhood, posting flyers (flyers offering reward money tend to perk people up), posting on, checking with local shelters and/or animal control services, etc. I strongly suggest that you consult with me on the content and style of your flyers. They are very, very important, even in this digital age.
The package is lengthy (and probably could be longer) because these situations can change and develop over a period of days. So that is why one-off sessions aren’t very effective, in my opinion. Please also understand that the animal’s emotional and physical state can change, too. So perhaps if I initially tune into them, they might be scared. Later, they may tell me that they’re enjoying themselves. BOTH communications can be accurate, as situations change. Remember, when I tune into them and get information from them, it is only in that moment. A lot of things can happen in a day, and change an animal’s emotions. Just like with us humans.
There are usually reasons why an animal has left. It’s certainly possible, for example, that your animal feels stifled, or wants an adventure, so decided to have one. Always remember that animals are different from humans. We may not fully comprehend why they’ve done what they’ve done, but it makes perfect sense to them.
One other important note is that fear and worry are not your friends in this situation. I’ll say right now that lost animal situations are very often difficult, for sure, and sometimes we can perceive the odds as being long that the animal will return. But while we’re working together, I do not take this position at all. We are focusing on attracting the animal to come home. Fear and anxiety repel, they don’t attract. I have techniques to help you with this.
Losing an animal is understandably a traumatic event. The best chance we have of finding him/her is trying to ground ourselves, staying out of panic mode, doing our due diligence, and leaving the rest up to a higher power. An animal has his or her own journey to make in this world, and sometimes it is a literal journey.
“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.”